Implement the ackermann function using recursive calls
Use memoization with hash maps to speed up recursive calls
Use memoization with a map data structure to speed up evaluation of the Ackermann function. As a reminder, the definition is as follows:
Fill in the code below to compute this function using recursive calls. Memoization on the first two cases has already been provided for you, but you'll need to use memoization for the third case. Note that there are actually two functions to memoize; the inside and the outside one.
Student Code
#include <stdio.h>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
* @brief Return a unique string key "m_n" to go
* with an ackermann input (m, n)
* @param m First input to ackermann function
* @param n Second input to ackermann function
* @return string Key to use
string getKey(int m, int n) {
stringstream stream;
stream << m << "_" << n;
return stream.str();
* @brief
* @param m First input to ackermann function
* @param n Second input to ackermann function
* @param count Reference to variable holding number of calls made to A
* @param memory A map whose key is a string representation "m_n"
* and whose value is A(m, n)
* @return int The ackermann function A(m, n)
int A(int m, int n, int* count, map<string, int>& memory) {
string s = getKey(m, n);
int res = 0;
if (memory.find(s) != memory.end()) {
res = memory[s];
else {
if (m == 0) {
res = n+1;
memory.insert(pair<string, int>(s, res));
else if (n == 0) {
res = A(m-1, 1, count, memory);
memory.insert(pair<string, int>(s, res));
else {
// TODO: Fill this in
return res;
Main Area
int main() {
int count = 0;
map<string, int> memory;
int res = A(2, 2, &count, memory);
printf("%i (%i). ", res, count);
res = A(3, 3, &count, memory);
printf("%i (%i).", res, count);
res = A(3, 4, &count, memory);
printf("%i (%i).", res, count);
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